The Beginnings
The initial SCP team was the 2007 grad team which began in 2002 as a 13U team. It was a result of my taking over a 12U team; the Pineville Panthers. That team was a split of rising 13U and 12U and the coaches were 12U dads who wanted to keep their sons on the small fields one more year. I agreed to help out for a year and then turn the team back over to them the next. We changed the name soon after to South Charlotte Panthers to help broaden our footprint for players.
My competitive juices started flowing and here we are today. Some quick bullet points help with the rest but not near all of the next 19 years.
2003 Merged with Davie Co. Bojas which spread our footprint. 14U AAU NC State Champions. (AAU 14U National Runner Ups)
2004 First PG event - 15U BCS Champions. 15U AAU NC Champions; 15U AAU National 3rd Place
2005 PG WWBA 16U 3rd Place. USA National 16U 3rd Place
2006 PG WWBA 18U Runner Up. Invited to our initial PG WWBA World Championship in Jupiter.
2007 Started our second team - SCP 2009 with a merger of two local Charlotte programs (PG WWBA 18U Runner Up. First MLB drafted player - Kyle Greenwalt)
2008 Began what became our format for the next 10 years of having a new 16U and retained 17U team.
2009 PG WWBA 18U Runner Up
The Next 10 Years
I'll slow down here on yearly accomplishments but for the next 10 years our footprint grew larger yet remained primarily North and South Carolina. We've not had a team that did not win over 70% of their games and our brand and reputation became national in scope in the travel ball world. We considered changing our name a few times but in the end felt we had established a great brand recognition and kept with it. A few highlights in the past 12 years.
2011 SCP 2013 16U USA National Champions
2012 SCP 2014 WWBA 16U National Runner Up ; Dynamic 16U National Champions
Hold the record for most Wins in a season 66 (66-12-1)
2013 SCP 2015 WWBA World Underclass 3rd Place
2016 SCP 2017 WWBA 17U National Runner Up
Hold the record for Highest Win % in a season 42-7-2 (.86%)